Now let us take a look at some of the reactions of the English people when they heard this message that was supposed to be from space........ .......................................................................
The Unperturbed British
If there is one thing most Britishers have in common, it's their unflappability. They've lived through the blitz, survived more Channel storms than you can count, and taken every imaginable type of man or nature-spawned excess very much in stride.
That's why they felt prepared to ride out any bad news which was transmittedto them over their regualrly scheduled newscasts of November 26. But in homes all over Hampshire County, and as far north as Reading in Berkshire and Whitney in Oxfordshire, TV viewers got the sock of their lives and caused the usually unflappable Britons to jam the swithchboards of every police sttion for miles around. Voices form space are not your usual evening's entertainment.
According to those who live in the area, towards the end of Southern Television's eventing news program, a series of "bleeps: gradually took over the normal sound. Commented one viewer, "It was the kind of signal you get prior to a bulletin of special importance." Following the bleeps, a voice cut into the regualr broadcast frequency of the TV station.
A Fast Reaction
According to viewer Rex Monger, "The voice seemed to suggest that the man was speaking from a spacecraft traveling within the vicinity of Earth. He sounded pretty fed up with the way we are running things down here."
As usually happens in such cases, a spokesman for Southern Television offeredthe typical debunking statements, calling the transmission "a pretty sick hoax" and likening it to the 1938 Orson Welles radio adaptation of H.G. Well's War Of the Worlds. But as the days went on the station was forced to admit that it had gathered no actual evidence that the transmission had indeed been a hoax. The official said, "Our engineers are trying to discover exactly what happened. We can't imagine how it was done, but it appears someone must have managed to transmit a signal directly over ours. The equipment used would need to be fairly sophisticated and expensive."
A Chilling Message
The mysterious November english transmission fits into an overall pattern of such events which have been occurring on a world-wide basis over the last several decades.
While the official stance of such government agencies as the Federal Communicaitons Commission remains tht such transmissions are a hoax, in no case has may prosecution been brought, much less a conviction obtained. This even though there are strong communications laws on the books making such transmissions a Federal offense.
JW So that is that about the English transmissions.
Part 3.
Remember: The company you keep will determine the trouble you meet.
John Winston.
Original file name: 95.04.02 Ashtar The Man 3
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